Selasa, 06 September 2011

Merapi volcano is one of the world's most active and dangerous volcanoes. It contains an active lava dome which regularly produces pyroclastic flows. Eruptions occur at intervals of 1-5 years and are of low gas pressure. Since magma is poor in gas, eruptions are usually less than VEI 3 in size.

Merapi is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia and has produced more pyroclastic flows than any other volcano in the world. It  has been active for 10,000 years. 

Most eruptions of Merapi involve a collapse of the lava dome creating pyroclastic flows which travel 6 to 7 km from the summit. Some awan panas have traveled as far as 13 km from the summit, such as the deposit generated during the 1969 eruption. Velocity of pyroclastic flows can reach up to 110 km/hour. A slow up flow of andesitic magma leads to an extrusion of viscous magma, which accumulate and construct a dome in the crater.

Sabtu, 03 September 2011


nefritis biasanya disebabkan oleh infeksi bakteri sehingga urine masuk ke dalam darah
1. perbanyak makan makanan yang berprotein .
2.  Lakukan pengobtan secara medis

disebabkan oleh bocornya membran glomerulus .
1. Olahraga dengan teratur
2. Perbanyak makanan makanan yang berprotein

infeksi kronis  dan juga disebabkan oleh virus  hepatitis .
1. Pembedahan untuk mengangkat sebagian dari hati.
2. perasi transplantasi hati.
3. pembekuan sel kanker

komplikasi dari banyak penyakit hati yang ditandai oleh struktur normal dan fungsi hati .

1. Hindari konsumsi alcohol
2. Merubah diet.
 3.Perbanyak konsumsi     vitamin
4.jangan terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi coklat